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This is #ProjectNomad
A man and his dog, looking for a better path.
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#ProjectPuppies: North Star
We were just leaving Edmonton when things started to go sideways. Literally. The weather had been wonderful all the way from Vancouver to...

Dog Days
"Do you think we'd have been so eager to do more rescue missions," Alexis asked, somewhere near the end of our three day, 4000km, 15 dog...

The veterinarian was kind, but candid. "It's not good," he said, gesturing down at the shaggy-haired German shepherd mix who lay at our...

#ProjectPuppies: Maternity Ward
Dusk, somewhere outside of Saskatoon. A hellacious winter storm had just pummelled the province of Saskatchewan less than a day earlier,...

#ProjectPuppies: Snow Dogs
I must have let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding, because beside me, Jesse stirred awake in the passenger seat. "You good,...

#ProjectPuppies: Turn and Burn
"If this dog survives," I thought to myself as I tilted a water dish to Rosie's lips so she could drink, weakly, from where she lay, "I...

#ProjectPuppies: We Deliver
There's an art to a middle-of-the-night, eighteen-puppy pit stop. Done right, it's almost poetic, a synchronicity of humans and dogs, pee...

Drop Everything And Dog
Of all the things I imagined doing when I bought my truck, cradling a mama dog on the tailgate by the side of the highway while she...

#ProjectPuppies: Cannonball Run
"Let's make a pact," I told Alexis, somewhere early in our 3700km rescue dog cannonball run to northern Saskatchewan and back. "No matter...

"What on earth have we gotten ourselves into?" I asked myself, my stomach churning with a bad case of nerves as I piloted the truck north...
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