#OwenCooks: Low-Carb Double Chocolate Cookies
Mmmm, I just literally took a batch of these out of the oven as I'm typing this and they smell so good.

I come by my sweet tooth honestly. My parents are also huge fans of delicious treats, and while I was at the farmhouse, the cupboards were often filled with cookies and cinnamon buns and all kinds of tasty concoctions.
My dad was recovering from a leg injury that would keep him up at night, and to take his mind off of the pain, he would bake wonderful things. So every morning my commitment to healthy eating was seriously tested.
I found the avocado fudge brownie recipe and it gave me the courage to start looking for healthier baking options. And after drooling over my dad's chocolate chip cookies one too many times, I went looking for a cookie recipe of my own.
Fortunately, the woman behind those brownies also does low-carb, sugar-free cookies! You can find her recipe here on Castaway Kitchen.
Obviously if you click through you'll see how hers look very different than mine. That's mostly because I'm still learning my way around a kitchen and the first time I made these I ran out of almond flour and topped off the recipe with cocoa powder instead.
Which worked out fantastically and made these cookies double chocolate, so I'm sticking with that.
The other modification I made to the original recipe was that I did not include pasteurized gelatin, which she suggests to keep the cookies chewy.
I honestly have no idea where to even start looking for pasteurized gelatin and I'm not even sure my local grocery store carries it.
(And yeah, I know I could just ask the staff at Superstore but I'm a man and I'm introverted and I asked myself whether I really cared if the cookies stayed chewy or if I'd rather just not talk to a strange person, and I just didn't ask.)
(My cookies stayed chewy anyway.)
Oh, I also cut the suggested amount of chocolate chips by half, to half a cup, because the first time I made these I used a full cup of chocolate chips and they, like, overwhelmed the rest of the ingredients.
Not that too much chocolate is ever a bad thing, but life is about balance.
So there you have it. Ten minutes to prepare, fifteen minutes in the oven, deliciousness ensues.
Recipe says each cookie is about 113 calories but I have a sneaky suspicion my cookies are bigger than hers...